Thursday, February 12, 2015

Spring Rob's Terrific 20 - Day #10 - Fri, February 19th

Rob's Terrific 20 
Day #10: Friday, February 19th

Workout focus SHOULDERS
  • Tricep Pushdowns 4x10
  • Overhead Press 3x10
  • Treadmill x 20 minutes
  • *After each exercise there are two numbers.  The first is the sets and the second is the reps.  For example: "Push Ups 3x10" means do 3 sets of 10 push ups with a break between each set - 10 push ups, break, 10 more, etc.
Here are some descriptions and images to help you complete the exercise.
*Information is from

Tricep Pushdowns
  1. Set up a cable station with a straight bar on attached to the top pulley.
  2. Grip the bar with an overhand grip,with your hands slightly less than shoulder width apart.
  3. Position your feet shoulder width apart,with knees slightly bent for stability.
  4. Pull the bar down until your forearms are parallel to the floor with your elbows close to your body and your wrists locked in a straight position. This is your staring point.
  5. Moving only your forearms, push the bar down towards the floor until your arms are fully extended and you feel a stretch in your triceps. Hold for a count of one and squeeze your triceps.
  6. Return to the start position moving your forearms only. Hold for a count of one then repeat.
Overhead Press
  1. Place a bench with a back support inside a squat rack and set up a barbell at a height that is just above your head.
  2. Grip the barbell with an overhand grip.
  3. Space your hands out so that your elbows are bent at 90 degrees.
  4. Lift the bar to around shoulder level by extending your arms. This is the start position.
  5. Inhaling, lower the bar to your shoulders slowly.
  6. Hold for a count of one while squeezing your shoulder muscles.
  7. Push the barbell back to the start position as you exhaling as you do so..
  8. Repeat for the recommended amount of repetitions.

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