Tuesday, February 24, 2015

SpringRob's Terrific 20 - Day #17 - Tues, March 1st

Rob's Terrific 20 
Day #17 Tuesday, March 1st

  • Bodyweight Jump Squats 4x10
  • Lunges 3x10
  • Deltoid Push Ups 3x10
  • Mountain Climbers x100
  • *After each exercise there are two numbers.  The first is the sets and the second is the reps.  For example: "Push Ups 3x10" means do 3 sets of 10 push ups with a break between each set - 10 push ups, break, 10 more, etc.
Here are some descriptions and images to help you complete the exercise.
*Information is from workoutlabs.com

Body Weight Jump Squats
  1. Stand with your feet hip width apart. Your toes should be pointing straight ahead or only slightly outward.
  2. Cross your arms in front of your body, place your hands behind your head or at the sides of your head.
  3. Keep your weight on your heels and bend your knees while lowering your hips towards the ground as if you are sitting down on a chair.
  4. Keep your back straight at all times.
  5. Continue until you feel a slight stretch in your quadriceps. Do not let your knees extend out beyond the level of your toes.
  6. Pause for a count of one.
  7. In an explosive movement, drive down through your heels pushing yourself up of the floor with your quads.
  8. At the same time extend our arms out above you.
  9. Land with your knees slightly bent to absorb the impact.
  10. Repeat

  1. Stand straight with your feet shoulder width apart and place your hands on your hips. This is the start position.
  2. Step forward with either leg in a long stride. Keep your other foot in place behind you.
  3. Bend your knees as you do this so your body is lowered towards the ground. Keep your back straight throughout the movement.
  4. Continue down until your front knee is just above the ground. (Your front leg should be bent 90 degrees at the knee)
  5. Hold for a count of one.
  6. Push down through your front heel and extend both knees to return to the start position.
  7. Pause then repeat with your other leg. When you have lunged with both legs, that is one repetition.
  8. Repeat.

Deltoid Push Up

Mountain Climbers
  1. Place your hands flat on the floor, shoulder width apart.
  2. Extend your torso and legs fully behind you with only your toes and balls of your feet touching the floor.
  3. Your body should be in a straight line, with your weight supported on your hands and toes only.
  4. Starting with either leg, flex your knee and hip at the same time to bring your knee up and under your hip. Your other leg should remain fully extended. This is the start position.
  5. Using an explosive movement, reverse the position of your legs, by extending the bent leg back and simultaneously flexing the straight leg until it is in the startposition.
  6. Continue alternating in this manner for the desire amount of time.

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